
Restarting a subsystem

When a subsystem fails it is possible to restart the underlying software and controllers and reset all devices to a nominal state. This can be accomplished by calling GortDeviceSet.restart, for example

>>> await g.ags.restart()
03:45:03 [DEBUG]   Deleting deployment lvmagcam.
03:45:06 [INFO]    Starting deployment from YAML file /home/sdss5/config/kube/actors/lvmagcam.yml.

This restart command is generally safe to use, but there may be simpler and faster troubleshooting that the user can try before resorting it.

Restarting lvmtan

The Twice-As-Nice devices (K-mirrors, focusers, fibre selector) may hang up at times. In this case you can try restarting the telescope subsystem with

await g.telescopes.restart()

Or do a more focused restart of the TAN system with

await g.telescopes.restart_lvmtan()

If this does not work you may need to use the GUI. In lvmweb go to the Motor Controllers secion. There should be eight elements in the interface (three K-mirrors, four focusers, on fibre selector). Each one of them has a small circular “LED” that can be red (not working) or green (connected). Make sure all the devices have green circles. If some of them do now, try restarting the deployment


then reload the controllers page and wait until all the LEDs are green. You’ll also see some green checkmarks. If they are red crosses that means that the device is in a bad state. Try stopping and aborting the invalid devices and then home them. When you home them you should see the motor numbers/degrees change and a progress bar. The progress bar and numbers must at some point stop (K-mirrors will home at -135 degrees, fibre selector at 0, focusers at 40).

It may requires a few stop/abort/home and even various restarts of the controller to get things to work again.

Restarting a deployment

Most users will just want to restart a subsystem as shown above. For those wanting a finer control of what software is running, the Kubernetes access point provices

LVM actors and services run in a Kubernetes cluster as deployments. To restart an actor or service we must restart the deployment. gort provides a simple object to access the cluster API and perform some usual tasks. For example, to restart the actor lvmguider, for example

>>> g = await Gort(verbosity='debug').init()
>>> g.kubernetes.restart_deployment('lvmguider')
21:28:18 [DEBUG]:   Deleting deployment lvmguider.
21:28:23 [INTO]:    Starting deployment from YAML file /home/sdss5/config/kube/actors/lvmguider.yml.

If the deployment was not running you may see a message indicating that the deployment is being recreated from a YAML file. You can see running deployments with

>>> g.kubernetes.list_deployments()


This feature requires running gort in a machine that has access to the Kubernetes cluster. While you can (but is not recommended) to run gort locally and access the RabbitMQ exchange by forwarding its access port, you won’t be able to do the same to access the Kubernetes API.

Here is a list of deployments, what they do, and when it may be useful to restart them. Users should not try to restart deployments not listed in this table.



When to restart


Science telescope PlaneWave mount control

Science mount not responding


Spec telescope PlaneWave mount control

Spec mount not responding


SkyE telescope PlaneWave mount control

SkyE mount not responding


SkyW telescope PlaneWave mount control

SkyW mount not responding


K-mirror, focuser, and fibre mask controller

K-mirror, focuser, or mask not responding or stuck


Auto-guider camera control

Cameras not exposing or not present


Guiding and focusing

Guider not working, guiders won’t change to idle, focus routine failing


Network power switches control

Calibration lamps not working


Enclosure control

Any enclosure related issue (dome not moving, lights, etc.)


Spectrograph control

Spectrographs not taking exposures


Spectrograph motor controllers and electronics

Shutter or hartmann doors not working


Collects information from actors and services and stores it in InfluxDB

Data in InfluxDB/Grafana not updating


Jupyter Lab server

Jupyter Lab notebooks not working


Monitors optical table temperatures

Focus-temperature relationship failing


Spec 1 pressure reporting

Spec 1 pressure not showing in Grafana


Spec 2 pressure reporting

Spec 2 pressure not showing in Grafana


Spec 3 pressure reporting

Spec 3 pressure not showing in Grafana