
Recipes are snippets of code that execute a series of tasks and commands, either for operational purposes or for troubleshooting.

Recipes are defined as subclasses of BaseRecipe and must override the name attribute and the recipe method, the latter of which defines the tasks to execute. The recipe is instantiated with a Gort object and can be executed by calling the instance. For example, we define the recipe test_recipe

from import BaseRecipe

class TestRecipe(BaseRecipe):
    name = 'test_recipe'

    async def recipe(self, do_task_1=True, do_task_2=False):
        if do_task_1:

        if do_task_2:

And now we can execute it as

from gort import Gort

g = await Gort().init()
recipe = BaseRecipe(g)
await recipe(do_task_2=True)

A list of available recipes can be retrieved as

>>> from import recipes
>>> recipes

For simplicity, recipes can be executed using Gort.execute_recipe

await g.execute_recipe('shutdown')

A number of recipes are also accessible directly in Gort for convenience, for example startup or shutdown.

Available recipes


The startup executes a series of steps that must be run before observing. In particular it:

  • Homes the telescopes, K-mirrors, focusers, and fibre selector.

  • Takes AG dark frames.

  • Runs the calibration sequence.

  • Opens the dome.

  • Focuses the telescopes.

To run it, you can access it directly from Gort

>>> from gort import Gort
>>> g = await Gort().init()
>>> await g.startup()

startup accepts arguments to determine whether to run the calibration sequence (and which one), open the dome, focus, and whether to ask for confirmation for opening the dome. To skip the calibration sequence and do not ask for confirmation for opening the dome

await g.startup(calibration_sequence=False, confirm_open=False)


To shutdown operations, close the dome, and park the telescopes for the night you can use the shutdown recipe or directly call Gort.shutdown.

If you are closing the dome temporarily, you may not want to disable the telescopes; in this case call

await g.shutdown(park_telescopes=False)


Runs spectrograph calibration sequences. See Taking calibration data.